We will have "A Celtic Christmas Celebration: Tapestry of Light" by a joint choir from First UMC, First Baptist Church, and Presbyterian Church, all on Main Street, Sunday, December 8 at 6:00 pm at the Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Please come with family and friends and enjoy Christmas music!
The Agape Circle will meet Tuesday, December 10, at 4:00 pm in the Fellowship Center. Please bring a dish to share and a gift. The gift should be new with a max of $10.
December Generosity: As we anticipate and celebrate God's gift to us and the whole world of the Christ Child bringing salvation and hope to all, this is an especially appropriate time to be generous through our own end of year giving. From additional support to First Church's mission and ministry through our general budget, to specific ministries such as Welcome Table, Church Food Pantry, and the Friendship Club, your generous giving helps us share Christ's Light on Main Street and Beyond in real and practical ways, reaching with the love and hope of Christmas those who are in need. If you would like to make a gift of stocks, bonds or other securities, please contact the Church Office or Finance Committee chair, Tommy Walker.
Marine Corps Reserve Toys For Tots: First Church has the opportunity to help make Christmas a little brighter for the less fortunate in our county. Please consider donating a new, unwrapped toy to the Toys for Tots program. (Ages 0 to 16 years.) Place your toy donation in the box outside the church office on or before Sunday, December 15, 2024. Thank you for your support!
You're Invited! Our Neon Youth Ministry will be hosting a fundraiser for the Christmas season on December 15th at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Center! This evening will include appetizers, desserts, and hot chocolate served by our youth, Christmas music being performed by our Neon Youth Band, and advent readings by our youth members. This will be an amazing night for our church members to relax and celebrate the advent season with our youth members! The whole evening will be donation based, but a good suggested amount would be $5 per person so that we can cover the cost of the refreshments. We hope that you will join us for this evening of fellowship, music, and refreshments! See you there!
Blessings, Gary Williams, Youth and Children's Director
Yokefellow Donation: First Church has been asked to donate Small Jellies (12 ounce works best - please no large jars) during the month of December. You may place your donations in the bin marked “Yokefellow” in the Donation Station outside the Front Room.
Attention parents of children up to and including the fifth grade: To comply with our Safe Sanctuary Policies you are asked to accompany your children if they leave the sanctuary during any church service. Thank you! Worship Committee
Altar Floral Arrangements: The Worship Committee would like to extend to you an invitation to give the gift of flowers. There is an Altar Flower Sign-Up Sheet for 2024 on the bulletin board outside the church office or you may call the church office to sign-up. Please take this opportunity to honor or remember someone special by accepting responsibility for the altar floral arrangements. Thank you.