First Kids
Our kids work hard to live out First Church's mission as well!
"SHINING Christ's Light on Main Street and Beyond..."
"SHINING Christ's Light on Main Street and Beyond..."
Every Sunday morning, our children meet on the first floor for a large group gathering in the SHINE Room! We then divide up into age-appropriate groups to dive deeper into the week's lesson using interactive and engaging small-group style activities!
Kids at First Church can often be found worshiping and singing songs, learning new Bible stories, and engaging in hands-on applications of Jesus' teachings! Our team of passionate and energetic volunteers strive to provide a safe and enjoyable environment where our children can grow and learn how to follow Jesus and share Christ's Light! |
Join us on
Sunday Mornings! Sunday School 10:00-10:50 am (on the 1st Floor) Children's Church Ages 4 - 5th Grade are invited each Sunday during the 9:00 & 11:00 am services to join us for Children's Church. (Scroll down for more information) |
First Kids
Our Series of the Month!
Get Social!
Make sure you are following us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date on all of the latest information in our Children's Ministry! Simply click below to find us!
This year's VBS theme is Scuba and all week long we will be diving into the ocean to learn just how deep the love of God is for us! VBS will run from June 11th through 14th from 5:30 to 7:30pm each night! We will be serving a meal each evening as well as offering games, crafts, Bible adventures and much more! This is a week you will definitely not want to miss! Click the button below to register today!
FUMC's Children's Ministry in action...
Children's Church
During the 9 am & 11:00 am service, all children are invited to come to sit at the altar for Children's Time to hear a kid-geared Bible lesson from one of our amazing adult leaders!
After Children’s Time, all children ages 4 through 5th Grade will be invited to go with our adult volunteers to the SHINE Room for the duration of the service. This program has activities, crafts, storytelling, and more as they learn, on their level, about Jesus and the church. Parents may pick up your child on the first floor, in the SHINE Room after the 9:00am and 11:00 am service. |
Safe Sanctuary Policy
First United Methodist Church follows the guidelines of Safe Sanctuary for the safety of the children and volunteers participating in our programs and events. If you have any questions about our Safe Sanctuary Policy here at First United Methodist Church, please see Gary Williams.
First United Methodist Church follows the guidelines of Safe Sanctuary for the safety of the children and volunteers participating in our programs and events. If you have any questions about our Safe Sanctuary Policy here at First United Methodist Church, please see Gary Williams.